Jacqueline, Claudia, Sarah

We will be making a bit strip that focuses on the difficulties women face in the common work places.


  1. Final presentation: Great job, you have a really original idea! I love how you use two pictures to show how it is and how it should be.

  2. Final project: It's a unique way to display your project. I like how you showed how women were treated before meaning men having all the power and than the preferred result which is women are slight more equal to men.

  3. I thought your use of bitstrips as a medium was really creative. The comics you've made are rather humerous but still bring across your message about life for women in the workplace

  4. New and interesting way of illustrating different situations affecting women! The visuals really help get the viewer's attention.

  5. You chose a very interesting medium that made your project much more appealing! Nicely done!

  6. Good artist statement. It's simple to understand and most importantly, it's an original idea!

  7. Final Project I how you used real life examples. It'a a really original idea.

  8. I liked your artistic statement. I thought it was original to use a bit strip to present it.

  9. Your final project is great! I like that the medium your group used is a bit strip and showed different situations that women face at work. Good job!

  10. I love the fact that you made a comic strip for your final project! It's different and cool and I think it shows your perception of the glass castle perfectly

  11. this is a great plan. it was humorous and original. watch out for spelling though
